Link to full acumax assessment analysis would be here:

<aside> 🎼 Brief Summary: Motivated by people interaction, words of positive encouragement and knowing the rules, regulations and requirements for their position, Claire enjoys a variety filled environment with varied responsibilities. Preferring to build consensus in decision­ making, Claire will take options and ideas to ensure a plan that is optimal for all within the team or organization. A specialist with decisions, will discount ideas that are not provided with solid information and fact. Will always be attentive to the requests of other people and to the key details of the role.


A Drive:­Likes Autonomy

<aside> 🔀 With an A Drive located close to the norm line, this Low A drive likes a team­ orientated work atmosphere where interactions with others are primarily harmonious and cooperative. Innately, people with this drive can and will accept conflict when necessary but prefer it is not a significant part of their day. Teamwork and camaraderie occur when everyone on the team participates. You can engage this Low A Drive's decision­ making skills by allowing them to weigh several options first to determine the optimal course of action for the team before proceeding.


B Drive: Likes ­Communication

<aside> 🔀 As a High B Drive located close to the norm line, Claire likes a "heads up" workplace with elements of face ­to face interaction. They also enjoy working in a social and bustling atmosphere with the opportunity to use their natural verbal skills. An external thinker, this wiring pattern likes engaging with others in an open communication style to help refine their thoughts and ideas. They can use these verbal skills to elicit the desired response and agreement. People with this drive find it easy to work in groups and demonstrate natural empathy.


C Drive: Likes ­Patience

<aside> 🔀 Claire likes a work environment that contains variety and elements of unpredictability. With their drive near the norm line, this Low C Drive is comfortable juggling multiple assignments at the same time as well as adjusting to changes in plans. Although they may not always enjoy interruptions, they can work with them comfortably when they occur. In addition, pressure can act as a motivational tool to help this profile set priorities. As a result, they are inclined to make decisions with a fair sense of urgency and may expect others to do so as well.


D Drive: Likes Certainty

<aside> 🔀 With a High D Drive positioned close to the norm line, Claire likes a structured environment that contains clear rules, regulations, and procedures. This wiring pattern values clearly communicated expectations and likely provides that to others as well. Individuals with this drive also desire a fair amount of feedback to perform well and meet expectations. They value a fair amount of training to ensure becoming subject matter experts. And they are attentive to the details important to them in work and personal situations. In decision­ making, High Ds respond to some level of proven information from trusted and respected sources.
